1. Ensure that Git, Java JDK >= 1.7 are installed.
You can find information about development environment preparation here:
Prepare development environment in Ubuntu.
2. Fork your copy from Checkstyle main project. As it is described
3. Checkout the current source code from: https://github.com/you_user_name/checkstyle/
by running
git clone git@github.com:you_user_name/checkstyle.git
Here you can find instructions of importing and debugging the project for IDEs:
Eclipse IDE
Netbeans IDE
IntellIJ Idea IDE
Follow these instructions of Git usage and creating a Pull Request:
1) Configure remotes:
git remote add main https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle
git checkout -b my-new-check
git add . git commit -m "commit message"
git push origin my-new-check
git pull --rebase main master
git rebase --continue
git push --force origin my-new-check